Second Chances


The topic today is second chances. How many among you has got a second chance, be it to correct a past mistake or to do things differently?
Throughout our lives there are opportunities to make up for losses and give ourselves, as well as those we care for, second chances. Even if you think that you could never replace what was lost, life has a way of giving back what was taken away. It may come as a surprise, or it you might develop over time; in either case, what we think has been lost may someday and somehow return.
Let’s admit it – ‘Life isn’t and can’t be a bed of roses’. Ups and downs, highs and lows are part of everyone’s life and honestly, these extreme conditions are the elements that make us strong and give us a push to move on in life. Often there are circumstances when things do not work in our favor and the rough phase continues for a bit too long than any of us would expect.
But does that mean we should give up and accept defeat, without even trying again? Certainly not! I feel it’s rather wise to have faith in our karma that there might be a second chance waiting and coming our way to give us an opportunity to start afresh and make things happen for us.
Yes, for those who always thought that life NEVER gives second chances, it’s time to look beyond what your eyes can see and your mind can think, and let there be hope. There’s always a scope for a second chance, only if you TRUST – God and your own self.
Second chance may not be a surety every time that you can go back, rectify your mistakes and get whatever you wanted, but it certainly brings an assurance that you can put in your best efforts, which were lacking the first time you tried and failed. And feel extremely lucky if life gives you a Second Chance for not everyone is God’s favorite child to get blessed with such opportunities in life.
So instead of sulking and feeling gloomy and let desolation creep in because of your failure, let there be a ray of hope – a hope to get that hard-to-get second chance, which may transform your life in a way that you always wanted and waited for. Second chance that can give a new meaning to your existence and help you regain the lost confidence that is affecting your happiness. Second chance that would determine how serious you are about things that matter in your life! Second chance that’ll help you take a decision whether you still can fight against all odds and make things sail smooth.
It’s all about believing that ‘this is not the end of the road’. Life will always give you a Second Chance, only if you TRUST.
However, some of you may wonder that if there’s always a second chance that waits for everyone, then why one should worry in the first place. But do remember, God helps those who help themselves. Second chance isn’t really a boon for those who are comfortable with their discomforts and can lead a miserable life with all sorts of regrets. Second chance would embrace only those select few who have the urge to rise from the ashes and make their way whatsoever.
Ever thought, why despite a fatal accident, some lucky ones still manage to survive and get their life back? Only because they didn’t lose hope and always had the trust that life would give them a Second Chance – to LIVE.
Look around, analyze situations and ask yourself – Hasn’t life been kind to you ever? Has life always given you miseries and then not giving you a chance to correct your mistakes? Can’t be the case! It’s might be the case that you haven’t been attentive enough to notice and grab that second chance that came your way at some point. So it’s your mistake and you are at fault. If you have become used to living with regrets and don’t want to take or give second chances, then it’s not fair to blame life either.
Always remember, God has designed your life as beautifully as you would have thought of, so don’t waste time thinking that ‘THIS IS THE END’. Life isn’t all about trying, failing and then regretting forever. Let there be hope for a second chance, and once you get that, make the most of it and it will work wonders for you – only if you TRUST.

About sweta25

Love me without fear, trust me without questioning, need me without demanding, want me without restrictions, accept me without change n desire me without inhibition...
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